Tag Archives: chantries

Chilworth Moat added to DEERLEAP LINE

266_10.5 Chilworth Moat

266_10.5 Chilworth Moat

An internet search reveals little information on this site.  From memory I recall a trial excavation being carried out some years ago which revealed very little of interest.

Chilworth Moat from South

This site sits in a scrubby meadow just to the north of Chilworth village.  Although it is private land it appears to be well used by local dog walkers.  It is very difficult to make out the moat and I had to locate it using my hand held GPS.  In the photograph the slight depression is visible as a change in the colour of the grass across the picture.  Behind the site the Tillingbourne flows from right to left in the line of trees, eventually entering the River Wey behind Shalford Church.  Beyond the trees the land rises to the wooded area known as The Chantries.

St Marthas from Moat

St Martha’s Church seen from the site one and a half kilometres away.