I have been corresponding with Harry Sivertsen. Harry is an amateur archeo-astronomer and writer who uses the astronomy programs Skymap Pro and Starry Night Pro to analyse the rising and setting of the sun, moon and stars at different dates in antiquity. It is early days, but the results are pointing towards a date of…
Category: General
Culvers Well – a sacred site?
Now that this land has been cleared of pine trees, this feature is at last exposed to view. It is some two hundred metres to the south-east and downhill of the barrow on Culverswell Hill. The water’s main body is a shallow pond separated by an earth dam from a smaller upper pond. The water…
Work in progress
It is over a month since my last post but I have not been idle. Further snippets of information have been added to some pages, and a lot of reading and researching has been done. The website is probably as good now as I can get it – It has cost me quite a bit…
Northbrook LBA Site to be added to ARTINGTON LINE
The October 2019 edition of the Surrey Archaeological Society Bulletin contains an article on the recent discovery from aerial photographs of a possible Late Bronze Age (LBA) ringwork or fort, some 85 metres in diameter, adjacent to the A31 trunk road between Farnham and Alton at Northbrook, near the village of Bentley. It has…
Dragon Hill latest news
This is an addition to the page on St Catherine’s Hill at Guildford. Following news of the discovery of a cave on the hill, as shown in my post on St Catherine’s Chapel, our local online newspaper, the Guildford Dragon, published this telephoto shot of the progress of the work to stabilize the railway cutting….
Discovery of a cave on St Catherine’s Hill
Cave believed to be dated from the 14thcentury Considered to be a later medieval shrine or hermitage. Thought to have associations with the nearby chapel of St Catherine Although this discovery has no relevance to the alignments I have included it as St Catherine’s Chapel is this website’s most visited page and there is clearly…
A Possible Standing Stone on High Curley Hill
https://leylinesdecoded.co.uk/2019/07/19/a-possible-standing-stone-on-high-curley-hill/ It has recently been pointed out to me by a fellow researcher, David Fernleigh, that if my NEWLANDS LINE is extended as a backsight from my base point at Whitmoor Barrow, there is a clear line of sight for some 7.2 miles across flat countryside to High Curley Hill near Lightwater village. This…
To be added to Church Croft on DEERLEAP LINE
In May I decided to visit the Church Croft site at Puttenham before the summer growth covered too much of the area. As it turned out I needn’t have worried, the small field (approximately 100 metres square), where the 19 Druid Mile point on the DEERLEAP LINE sat, had recently been ploughed and the…
Exploration of potential sites has ground to a halt whilst the summer growth is at its most prolific. With lack of outdoor research to do but with the urge to get out on a beautiful September day, I thought it would be good to see how Culverswell Barrow was looking. Followers of this blog…
Shropshire church found to be UK’s oldest sacred site still in use
The following is extracted from an article in the Shropshire Live website dated 18 May 2017. This will be added to the pages on site continuity titled ‘The Elephant in the Corner’. The church, known as the Church of the Holy Fathers, now belongs to the Greek Orthodox Church which bought it for the…